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Data Curve Functions

These functions are used for working with data curves.

Function Description
addCurve Adds a new data curve to a project.
deleteCurve Deletes a data curve from a project.
getCurveIndex Retrieves the index of a curve given its ID name.
getCurveId Retrieves the ID name of a curve given its index.
setCurveId Changes the ID name of a data curve given its index.
getCurveLenth Retrieves the number of points in a curve.
getCurveType Retrieves a curve's type.
getCurveValue Retrieves the value of a single data point for a curve.
setCurveValue Sets the value of a single data point for a curve.
setCurve assigns a set of data points to a curve.


Adds a new data curve to a project.

addCurve(id: string): void;


Parameter Type Description
id string The ID name of the curve to be added.

The new curve contains a single data point (1.0, 1.0).


Deletes a data curve from a project.

deleteCurve(index: number): void;


Parameter Type Description
index number the data curve's index (starting from 1).


Retrieves the index of a curve given its ID name.

getCurveIndex(id: string): number;


Parameter Type Description
id string the ID name of a curve.


Number The curve's index (starting from 1).


Retrieves the ID name of a curve given its index.

getCurveId(index: number): string;


Parameter Type Description
index number a curve's index (starting from 1).


Number the curve's ID name.


Changes the ID name of a data curve given its index.

setCurveId(index: number, id: string): void;


Parameter Type Description
index number a data curve index (starting from 1).
id string the data curve's new ID name.


Retrieves the number of points in a curve.

getCurveLenth(index: number): number;


Parameter Type Description
index number a curve's index (starting from 1).


Number The number of data points assigned to the curve.


Retrieves a curve's type.

getCurveType(index: number): CurveType;


Parameter Type Description
index number a curve's index (starting from 1).


CurveType the curve's type (see CurveType).


Retrieves the value of a single data point for a curve.

getCurveValue(curveIndex: number, pointIndex: number): {
x: number;
y: number;


Parameter Type Description
curveIndex number a curve's index (starting from 1).
pointIndex number the index of a point on the curve (starting from 1).



  x: number;
  y: number;
Property Type Description
x number the point's x-value.
y number the point's y-value.


Sets the value of a single data point for a curve.

setCurveValue(curveIndex: number, pointIndex: number, x: number, y: number): void;


Parameter Type Description
curveIndex number a curve's index (starting from 1).
pointIndex number the index of a point on the curve (starting from 1).
x number the point's new x-value.
y number the point's new y-value.


Assigns a set of data points to a curve.

setCurve(index: number, xValues: number[], yValues: number[]): void;


Parameter Type Description
index a curve's index (starting from 1).
xValues number[] an array of new x-values for the curve.
yValues number[] an array of new y-values for the curve.

Use this function to redefine (and resize) a curve all at once; use setCurveValue to revise a curve's data points one at a time.