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Nodal Demand Functions

These functions are used for managing nodal demands.

Function Description
addDemand appends a new demand to a junction node demands list.
deleteDemand deletes a demand from a junction node.
getBaseDemand Gets the base demand for one of a node's demand categories.
getDemandIndex Retrieves the index of a node's named demand category.
getDemandModel Retrieves the type of demand model in use and its parameters.
getDemandName Retrieves the name of a node's demand category.
getDemandPattern Retrieves the index of a time pattern assigned to one of a node's demand categories.
getNumberOfDemands Retrieves the number of demand categories for a junction node.
setBaseDemand Sets the base demand for one of a node's demand categories.
setDemandModel Sets the type of demand model to use and its parameters.
setDemandName Assigns a name to a node's demand category.
setDemandPattern Sets the index of a time pattern used for one of a node's demand categories.


appends a new demand to a junction node demands list.

addDemand(nodeIndex: number, baseDemand: number, demandPattern: string, demandName: string): void;


Parameter Type Description
nodeIndex number the index of a node (starting from 1).
baseDemand number the demand's base value.
demandPattern string the name of a time pattern used by the demand
demandName string the name of the demand's category

A NULL or blank string can be used for demandPattern and for demandName to indicate that no time pattern or category name is associated with the demand.


Deletes a demand from a junction node.

deleteDemand(nodeIndex: number, demandIndex: number): void;


Parameter Type Description
nodeIndex the index of a node (starting from 1).
demandIndex the position of the demand in the node's demands list (starting from 1).


Gets the base demand for one of a node's demand categories.

getBaseDemand(nodeIndex: number, demandIndex: number): number;


Parameter Type Description
nodeIndex number a node's index (starting from 1).
demandIndex number the index of a demand category for the node (starting from 1).


Number the category's base demand.


Retrieves the index of a node's named demand category.

getDemandIndex(nodeIndex: number, demandName: string): number;


Parameter Type Description
nodeIndex number the index of a node (starting from 1)
demandName string the name of a demand category for the node


Number the index of the demand being sought


Retrieves the type of demand model in use and its parameters.

getDemandModel(): {
type: DemandModel;
pmin: number;
preq: number;
pexp: number;



  type: DemandModel;
  pmin: number;
  preq: number;
  pexp: number;
Property Type Description
type DemandModel Type of demand model (see DemandModel).
pmin number Pressure below which there is no demand.
preq number Pressure required to deliver full demand.
pexp number Pressure exponent in demand function.

Parameters pmin, preq, and pexp are only used when the demand model is DemandModel.PDA.


Retrieves the name of a node's demand category.

getDemandName(nodeIndex: number, demandIndex: number): string;


Parameter Type Description
nodeIndex number a node's index (starting from 1).
demandIndex number the index of one of the node's demand categories (starting from 1).


String The name of the selected category.


Retrieves the index of a time pattern assigned to one of a node's demand categories.

getDemandPattern(nodeIndex: number, demandIndex: number): number;


Parameter Type Description
nodeIndex number the node's index (starting from 1).
demandIndex number the index of a demand category for the node (starting from 1).


Number the index of the category's time pattern.

A returned pattern index of 0 indicates that no time pattern has been assigned to the demand category.


Retrieves the number of demand categories for a junction node.

getNumberOfDemands(nodeIndex: number): number;


Parameter Type Description
nodeIndex number the index of a node (starting from 1).


Number the number of demand categories assigned to the node.


Sets the base demand for one of a node's demand categories.

setBaseDemand(nodeIndex: number, demandIndex: number, baseDemand: number): void;


Parameter Type Description
nodeIndex number a node's index (starting from 1).
demandIndex number the index of a demand category for the node (starting from 1).
baseDemand number the new base demand for the category.


Sets the type of demand model to use and its parameters.

setDemandModel(type: DemandModel, pmin: number, preq: number, pexp: number): void;


Parameter Type Description
type DemandModel Type of demand model (see DemandModel).
pmin number Pressure below which there is no demand.
preq number Pressure required to deliver full demand.
pexp number Pressure exponent in demand function.

Set type to EN_DDA for a traditional demand driven analysis (in which case the remaining three parameter values are ignored) or to EN_PDA for a pressure driven analysis. In the latter case a node's demand is computed as:

Dfull * [ (P - pmin) / (preq - pmin) ] ^ pexp

where Dfull is the full demand and P is the current pressure.

Setting preq equal to pmin will result in a solution with the smallest amount of demand reductions needed to insure that no node delivers positive demand at a pressure below pmin.


Assigns a name to a node's demand category.

setDemandName(nodeIndex: number, demandIdx: number, demandName: string): void;


Parameter Type Description
nodeIndex number a node's index (starting from 1).
demandIdx number the index of one of the node's demand categories (starting from 1).
demandName string the new name assigned to the category.


Sets the index of a time pattern used for one of a node's demand categories.

setDemandPattern(nodeIndex: number, demandIndex: number, patIndex: number): void;


Parameter Type Description
nodeIndex number a node's index (starting from 1).
demandIndex number the index of one of the node's demand categories (starting from 1).
patIndex number the index of the time pattern assigned to the category.

Specifying a pattern index of 0 indicates that no time pattern is assigned to the demand category.